
Jordan condemns Jewish settlers' "aggression" in Hebron

Jordan condemns Jewish settlers' "aggression" in Hebron Amman  - The Jordanian government Saturday condemned what it called a series of "aggressions" on Palestinian civilians by Jewish settlers in the West Bank city of Hebron, and urged the Israeli authorities to stop such "provocative" acts.

PA asks for help against settler violence

HEBRON, West Bank, Dec. 5  -- The Palestinian National Authority says the international community should help limit settler violence in the West Bank.

Palestinian officials said violence against West Bank settlers in cities like Hebron should prompt a response from Israel and other members of the international community, The Jerusalem Post said Thursday.

Settlers from Hebron's Beit Hashalom building have been evacuated after a sudden increase of attacks on settlers in the city.

While Palestinian officials have praised the removal of the endangered settlers, they have urged Israel to remove all other Hebron settlers to avoid additional violence.

Clashes in renew in West Bank city of Hebron

Clashes in renew in West Bank city of Hebron Tel Aviv  - Dozens of radical Jewish settlers clashed again with Israeli police and soldiers in the southern West Bank city of Hebron Wednesday evening.

Police Spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said police forces used stun grenades against some 40 rioters who had gathered in an area around a disputed house, despite it having been declared a "closed military zone."

He said another seven settlers were taken in for questioning.

Wave of criticism in Israel over Hebron riots

Tel Aviv/Hebron - A violent stand-off between radical Israelis and Palestinians in Hebron elicited a storm of criticism in the Israeli media Wednesday, with most commentators calling for the settlers to be removed from a disputed house in the divided West Bank city.

More than two weeks of heightened tensions in Hebron boiled over Tuesday, when dozens of settlers rioted, throwing stones at Palestinians and at Israeli police and soldiers, spray-painting slogans and damaging graves.

Local Palestinians also hurled stones at the settlers, seriously injuring an Israeli teenager who was hit in the head.

Israeli settlers arrested in Hebron following riots

Israel MapTel Aviv/Hebron - Jewish settlers in the West Bank city of Hebron clashed with Palestinians and Israeli security forces Tuesday, during riots over disputed property, Israeli police have said.

Police said that settlers and Palestinians threw stones at each other, and that two settlers had been arrested.

The dispute centres on an eviction order passed by the Israeli Supreme Court for a building in the city occupied by Jewish settlers since March 2007.

Vast majority of Palestinians in Hebron live in poverty

Vast majority of Palestinians in Hebron live in poverty
