
Most Poles want sanctions against Russia

Poles spend record amount in getting ready for 2008 OlympicsWarsaw - A majority of Poles wants the European Union (EU) to introduce political and economic sanctions against Russia at its emergency summit on the Caucasus crisis, according a poll published Monday in the daily Dziennik.

Francois Fillon: Sanctions against Russia not on the agenda

French Prime Minister Francois FillonParis - French Prime Minister Francois Fillon has said that sanctions against Russia are not on the agenda for Monday's EU emergency summit in Brussels. Fillon instead called for dialogue with Moscow.

The meeting, due to begin at 3 pm Brussels time (1300 GMT), had been called to find a common EU position on the issues arising from in the Georgia conflict in August. Sanctions had been widely discussed as one way to reign in an increasingly assertive Russia.

However, Fillon said "Russia is a very large country that matters."

Federation of German Industries against sanctions on Russia

Berlin - The Federation of German Industries (BDI) said Monday it was opposed to sanctions being imposed on Russia over the conflict in Georgia and called for dialogue rather than confrontation.

The BDI issued its call as European Union (EU) leaders prepared to hold an extraordinary summit in Brussels to discuss the bloc's response to the crisis in the Southern Caucasus.

Proposals to put Russia under pressure through sanctions or to halt World Trade Organization (WTO) accession talks or partnership with the European Union (EU) "lead in the wrong direction," BDI President Juergen Thumann said.

"We would all lose if this were to happen," Thumann said.

Russia calls for arms embargo on Georgia until Saakashvili ousted

Moscow - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Monday called for an international weapons embargo on Georgia until President Mikheil Saakashvili is ousted from office, the Interfax news agency reported.

"If the US and its allies have failed to learn lessons and were to give further (military) support to Saakashvili's regime, that would be a mistake of historic proportions," Lavrov said.

Lavrov said the international community should halt all arms shipments to Georgia until "the country is under a normal government."

US officials last week said Washington would move to give Georgia new military assistance in the wake of Tbilisi's defeat in last month's war with Russia over the Georgian separatist province Ossetia.

Georgian ambassador: Give Russia one last chance

Paris - As the European Union prepared to hold an emergency summit on the Caucasus crisis Monday Georgia's ambassador to France called for Russia to be given a "last chance" before any possible sanctions.

"We are realistic," Mamuka Kudava told the daily Le Parisien. "One has to give the Russians a last chance, so that they are obligated to take heed of the six-point agreement decided with (EU council president Nicolas) Sarkozy on August 12."

The agreement calls for a ceasefire, Russian troop withdrawal and international talks over the security of Georgia's breakaway regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

Medvedev, Sarkozy talk before summit on Georgian crisis

Moscow - Russian President Dmitry MedvedevJust hours before a European Union emergency summit on the crisis in Georgia, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and French President Nicolas Sarkozy discussed the situation on the telephone, the agency Interfax reported late Sunday.

The two leaders focussed on the disputed buffer zones held by the Russian Army on Georgian territory along the two breakaway republics of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, according to the report from Interfax, which cited presidium officials in Moscow.
