Most Poles want sanctions against Russia

Poles spend record amount in getting ready for 2008 OlympicsWarsaw - A majority of Poles wants the European Union (EU) to introduce political and economic sanctions against Russia at its emergency summit on the Caucasus crisis, according a poll published Monday in the daily Dziennik.

Fifty-three per cent agree to sanctions while 30 per cent are against, said the poll conducted by TNS OBOP on August 30. Fifty-nine per cent say Poland should act strictly in accordance with the EU's official position on the issue while 27 per cent believe Poland should present its own tough stance in support of Georgia.

Prime Minister Donald Tusk said on Friday that Poland will use Monday's summit to press for humanitarian and infrastructure aid to Georgia along with regular consultations to maintain Georgia's territorial integrity.

President Lech Kaczynski has advocated a tougher stance against Russia and emerged as one of Georgia's strongest supporters after its recent brief but bloody conflict with Russia over its breakaway regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

Both politicians were slated to attend Monday's EU summit in Brussels.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev last week recognized South Ossetia and Abkhazia as independent, defying Western criticism.

In response Poland's Foreign Ministry called for respect for Georgia's territorial integrity, while the US and the EU also reaffirmed support for Georgia.

Medvedev stressed that Russia has long held back from recognizing the regions' pleas for independence, but Georgia's attack on South Ossetia had forced its hand. (dpa)