
Traffic chaos expected as French lorry drivers protest petrol prices

Paris - Driving into and out of many French cities was expected to be very difficult Monday as professional lorry drivers began carrying out protest demonstrations to demand government aid to help

Traffic chaos expected as French lorry drivers protest petrol prices

Paris - Driving into and out of many French cities was expected to be very difficult Monday as professional lorry drivers began carrying out protest demonstrations to demand government aid to help

16 wounded in apparent accident with live ammo instead of blanks

Paris  - A demonstration of military techniques for use in hostage situations left 16 people wounded when a French soldier fired live ammunition instead of blanks, the French Defence Ministry said

"Atlantic Alps" made into protected area

WWFParis - Part of a long undersea mountain range between Iceland and the Azores is to be given official protected status, creating one of the largest protected marine areas in the world, the 15 member nations of the OSPAR Commission for the protection of the North-East Atlantic said Friday.

The WorldWide Fund for Nature (WWF) said it was a "historic decision" to designate the northern section of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) a High Seas Marine Protected Area.

The decision was taken during a conference in the western French city of Brest.

Goya masterpiece was done by another artist, Prado museum says

Goya masterpiece was done by another artist, Prado museum says

French hostages released by Tuareg rebels in Niger

Paris/Niamey  - Four French hostages held for three days by Tuareg rebels have been released in Niger to Red Cross officials, a company who employed them said Wednesday evening in Paris.
