European Union

Indonesia urges EU to lift ban on Jakarta airliners

Jakarta  - Indonesia has called on the European Union to lift its ban on the country's carriers from the 27-nation bloc's airspace after Jakarta passed a new aviation law, media reports said Thursday.

"There is no further argument for the EU not to lift the ban," Transport Minister Jusman Syafii Djamal was quoted as saying by the Indonesian daily Koran Tempo.

On Wednesday, the Indonesian parliament passed a bill to improve the country's air safety in response to demands by the EU after Indonesia saw a string of deadly air crashes.

The EU imposed a ban on all Indonesian airliners in mid-2007 after the crash landing of a Garuda Airline plane in Yogyakarta in Central Java in March 2007, which killed

Deputy lambasts 47-million-euro holiday splash for EU employees

European Union FlagBrussels - The European Union's institutions in Brussels have been accused of squandering millions of euros of European taxpayers' money by paying for their employees' Christmas travel expenses at a time of economic crisis.

Hans-Peter Martin, an independent member of the European Parliament from Austria, wrote to the press Wednesday denouncing this "shocking privilege."

"The money would be better spent financing meaningful social projects," Martin wrote.

Slovenia pulls the brakes on Croatia's EU dreams

Slovenia pulls the brakes on Croatia's EU dreamsLjubljana  - Croatia is due to pass a major milestone on its way to European Union membership Friday - but, as foreign diplomats watch in disbelief, a long-running border dispute with its neighbour Slovenia may scupper its ambition.

Croatia and the EU are to declare five chapters of pre-accession negotiations closed and open 10 new chapters on Friday. Zagreb hopes this will put Croatia on track for EU membership in 2010. Slovenia joined the EU in 2004.

Millions of counterfeit drugs seized in EU

Counterfeit PillsBrussels - Some 34 million counterfeit pills have been seized by European Union customs officials over the past two months alone, officials in Brussels said Tuesday.

Faked versions of the male anti-impotence drug Viagra were among the most frequently-seized items, along with painkillers, antibiotics, anti-cancer, anti-malaria and anti-cholesterol medicines.

The seizures were part of stepped-p efforts by the EU to prevent such products from entering the 27-member bloc. Most of the fake drugs were produced in India, Pakistan and China, officials said.

WTO body rules against China's tariffs on car parts

WTO body rules against China's tariffs on car parts Geneva  - A ruling body of the World Trade Organization has issued a recommendation Monday that China change its tariffs on importing car parts into the country, so that policy falls more in the line with free trade principles.

The United States, European Union and Canada had appealed against China's laws, saying they were unfair according to WTO rules since they taxed imported parts by
25 per cent in certain cases.

The US said the practice ended up deterring automobile manufacturers in China from using imported auto parts in the assembly of vehicles

Montenegrin prime minister hands in EU membership application

Montenegrin prime minister hands in EU membership application Paris  - Montenegrin Prime Minister Milo Djukanovich on Monday handed over his country's official EU membership application to French President Nicolas Sarkozy, the current EU president.

Also present at the meeting was EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn, who said, "the European perspective given to the Balkan countries is essential for the stability and prosperity of the region and the EU."
