
AAA joins calls for Mosley to resign over sex-affair

Hamburg  - The world's largest auto club, the American Automobile Association (AAA), late Friday joined calls for Max Mosley to resign as president of the governing motorsport body FIA over a sex a

Kiwi forensics’ quest to prove Noah's Ark’s existence in Turkey

Noah's Ark in TurkeyWellington, Apr 3 : A Kiwi company has embarked on a mission

European scientists develop intelligent side-impact protection for cars

Washington, March 23 : European scientists have developed a car protection system that thinks intelligently and protects its occupants before a side-impact.

ESA satellite captures iceberg breakup

European Space AgencyParis, March 15 : A huge fissure was spotted running south to north throu

Satellite detects solitary waves in space for the first time

Solitary wavesParis, March 9 : Solitary waves that do not change form or lose energy in sp

Shilpa Medicare Gets Suitability Certificate To Sell ‘Oxaliplatin EP’ In Europe

Karnataka-based pharmaceuticals company Shilpa Medicare Ltd has received the certificate of Suitability (COS) of Monographs of the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines (EDQM) to sell i
