
Climate change endangering Australia's most vulnerable native animals

Global WarmingCanberra, March 25 : A new report by the WWF (Worldwide Fund for Nature) h

Symbiotic relationship between corals and algae faces threat from climate change

Corals and AlgaeCanberra, March 25: One of nature’s most fascinating symbiotic arrangement

Mysterious ball lightning baffles physicists

Canberra, March 20 : Physicists have been baffled by natural phenomenon known as ball lighting, which are lightning strikes that are sometimes associated with intriguing shimmering balls of light t

Earth could be right in firing line when dying star eventually explodes

Dying star eventually explodesCanberra, March 3 : A new st

New archaeological evidence discounts theory on mega-tsunamis hitting Australia in past

Canberra, March 3: Mega TsunamisNew research has suggested that earlier theories about mega-

Archaeologists reject theory about mega-tsunamis hitting Australia 10,000 years back

Canberra, Feb 4: Archaeologists have rebuffed a theory by geological researchers that Australia has been subject to prehistoric mega-tsunamis up to 20 m in height over the past 10,000 years.
