
Gogoi: Assam to form Special Task Force

The Assam Government has decided to constitute a Special Task Force to combat deal with militancy and combat terrorist activities in the state.

It will work on the lines National Security Guards (NSG).

At the initial level two battalions of the STF will be raised. One Inspector General of Police (IGP) rank officer will head STF.

This was announced by Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi while talking to reporters. A new police district will be formed exclusively for Guwahati headed by a Commissioner rank officer.

Two more arrests in Assam blast case

The Assam police have arrested two more suspects in connection with the serial blasts that devastated the state.

The two suspected -- Muzamul Haque and Anwarlul Haque--were arrested from Lakhimpur.

With these arrests total number of persons nabbed by the police rose to five. Earlier three persons were arrested on Saturday.

According to police- the two were in car-theft racket. They changed the number of those vehicles which were used in Guwahati and Bongaigaon blasts.

The police have got vital clues. It would soon zero in on the culprits responsible for the blasts, said Official spokesman and principal secretary (Home) Subhas Das.

Strike shuts down India's Assam state to protest serial blasts

Guwahati, AssamNew Delhi - Businesses and schools shut down Monday in India's north-eastern state of Assam as part of a strike called to protest serial bombings there last week, which left 81 people dead and more than 300 injured, news reports said.

The 11-hour dawn-to-dusk strike was called by the influential All Assam Students' Union, which has accused the government of failing to fight terrorism.

11 hour AASU shutdown in Assam

AssamGuwahati, Nov 3 : The All Assam Students'''' Union (AASU) called for an 11-hour shutdown on Monday to protest against the failure of the Assam Government to protect the people from the recent serial blasts.

The union shortened its proposed 24-hour shutdown to 11-hours to reduce inconvenience to the family members of the injured who have to commute to the hospitals.

The shutdown began from 6:00 a. m..

" We cannot tolerate such barbaric acts. It is the handiwork of the fundamentalist groups and the government is aware about these fundamentalist groups,” said Sammujal Bhattacharya, advisor, AASU.

Assam forms Special Task Force to deal with militancy

Guwahati, Nov 3: The Assam Government has decided to constitute a Special Task Force headed by an Inspector General of Police (IGP) rank officer to deal with militancy and combat Jehadi forces in the state.

It will be formed in line with the National Security Guards (NSG).

Two battalions of the STF will be raised at the initial stage. The State Government will also form a Security Advisory Council by involving retired police officers to guide the Government in security and law and order-related matters.

Militants with foreign backing behind blasts: Assam CM

Assam Chief Minister Tarun GogoiGuwahati, Nov 3 : Without naming any country, Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi on Sunday blamed disruptive forces with foreign backing for the recent blasts in the state.

"Forces inimical to Assam have been existing in Assam for a long time and there is no doubt that they get full backing and shelter in foreign soil,” said Gogoi.

“We have repeatedly made it clear that as long as these forces get shelter in foreign soil, it is very difficult to contain them," Gogoi added.
