President Obama’s comments on oil spill are not anti-British

BP-oil-spillThe American ambassador to London has said that the comments of President Obama over the BP oil spill were not anti-British at all. The Obama administration has used the old name British Petroleum instead of BP at the time of criticizing the firm, which made a sparking controversy in UK.

Louis Susman, the US ambassador has said that Mr. Obama had used that word British Petroleum only once in mistake but he was keen to call it BP. The deepwater explosion has been leaking oil as well as creating geographical imbalance.

Mr. Obama has said that he would have fired Tony Hayward, the chief executive of BP if he was in charge of the company but despite of doing that the US authorities have supported the idea of suspension of its quarterly dividend for BP share holders.

The comments of the President have provoked anger in many pensioners and businessmen in the UK including those people whose pension funds have been invested in the oil giant BP. The oil giant BP has many share holders and employees both in US and UK.