PR problems for NDTV’s Dehleez

DehleezNowadays producers can’t even depend upon the channel to properly publicize their shows. Take for example, Sidhant Cinevision head honcho Manish Goswami. He had to hire a private PR for the publicity of his NDTV Imagine show, Dehleez.

Our sources say that the channel is not happy with the rating of the show and may even take a call on it post the IPL. The source further adds that internally the channel has asked its team not to dedicate time and attention to Dehleez. Hence the poor producer had no other alternative but to hire his own guys, in order to create some buzz around the show of a married woman, who goes out to work.

The logic being that if the ratings pick up, the channel might then not end the show, there by saving the producer lots of money. A show ending prematurely obviously means a lot of loss for the producer. -Sampurn Media
