Pervez Musharraf

Pro-Mush men not allowed to participate in coalition talks

Pervez Musharraf & Yousuf Raza GilaniIslamabad, August 9 : Rehman Malik and Farooq H. Naek, the two key members of Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani’s cabinet, were kept out of the critical coalition talks on President Pervez Musharraf’s impeachment and the restoration of the sacked judges.

This was the first time that Malik, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Interior Affairs, was not involved in important consultations.

According to The News, Malik, was kept totally out, while Naek was called when he was needed and then told to leave.

Talibanisation main issue not impeachment of Musharraf: Altaf Hussain

Karachi, Aug 9 : Talibanisation main issue not impeachment of Musharraf: Altaf HussainThe chief of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), Altaf Hussain, has said that the country was facing socio-economic crises and Talibanisation in Karachi was the chief issue to be addressed instead of impeachment of President Pervez Musharraf at this point of time.

Hussain said that the MQM would not allow Talibanisation in Karachi and would protect the city at any cost.

Musharraf calls crucial NA session on August 11

Musharraf calls crucial NA session on August 11Islamabad, Aug 9 : President Pervez Musharraf has called the crucial National Assembly session at 5.00 p. m. in the evening on August 11, following the ruling alliance’s announcement to go for the impeachment of the President.

Sources said that the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs had sent the summary to Pervez Musharraf for calling the National Assembly into session, which has been singed by the President this morning.

This session after the ruling alliance’s announcement to impeach Musharraf has turned into of great significance.

Majority of Pak lawmakers say time for Musharraf to go

Pakistan President Pervez MusharrafIslamabad, Aug. 9 : President Pervez Musharraf may have taken some positive steps to promote Pakistan as a modern and enlightened Islamic state during the last nine years, but for an overwhelming majority of the peoples'' elected representatives, he remains the most unpopular man in the country for various reasons, says an editorial in the Daily Times.

Pak constitutional experts differ on SC''s role in Musharraf''s impeachment

Islamabad, Aug. 9 : Pak constitutional experts differ on SC''s role in Musharraf''s impeachmentWhile an announcement has been made by Pakistan''s ruling coalition to go ahead with the impeachment of President Pervez Musharraf, top constitutional experts in the country have differed on what the country''s Supreme Court can or cannot do with regard to the motion. But most of them said that the apex court has no jurisdiction in the matter.

Pervez Musharraf's impeachment is just an 'eyewash': Mumtaz Ali Bhutto

Mumtaz Ali BhuttoKarachi, Aug. 9: The proposed impeachment of Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf is "nothing but an issue", an "eyewash" claims former caretaker Sindh Chief Minister Mumtaz Ali Bhutto.

In a statement issued from his village, Mirpur Bhutto, Mumtaz said that the PPP is bound under a 'deal' between Musharraf and the PPP, made under American supervision, according to which PPP, PML-Q and MQM are bound to support Musharraf.

He also claimed that PPP Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari did not possess the courage to go against the deal.
