Jacqui Smith

Brit Home Secretary once cleaned toilets to buy Duran Duran records

Brit Home Secretary once cleaned toilets to buy Duran Duran recordsLondon, Sept. 16 : Britain’s Home Secretary Jacqui Smith cleaned toilets on a ferry to raise enough money to go to the Glastonbury Festival and pay for Duran Duran records, she has disclosed.

In an interview given to a women''''s magazine as part of an effort to soften Labour''''s image and show a more human side, The Telegraph quoted Smith and her women colleagues as saying that some of Labour''''s most senior female ministers led very humble lifestyles as young women, and spent their time claiming benefits to try to make ends meet.

UK Home Secretary warns that credit crunch turning Brits into racists

British Home Secretary Jacqui SmithLondon, Sept. 2 : British Home Secretary Jacqui Smith has warned that violent crime, racial hatred and terrorism will rocket because of the credit crunch.

According to Smith, the economic meltdown could see Brits turning on immigrants as they struggle to make ends meet.

The turmoil is forecast in a secret letter from Smith to Prime Minister Gordon Brown, reports the Daily Star.

The leaked document also reveals there will be fewer police to deal with the predicted crime rise on Britain''s streets.

UK Home Secretary Jacqui Smith tops ‘Most Desired Lesbian Date’ list

London, June 12 : The UK’s Home Secretary Jacqui Smith has topped a list of female politicians whom lesbians in the country would most like to take on a date.

Brit motorists’ are spied upon by US, other nations

British Home Secretary Jacqui SmithLondon, Apr.

UK Home Secretary to visit Pakistan

British Home Secretary Jacqui SmithIslamabad, Apr.

Non-EU migrants will have to pay tax to enter UK

Home Secretary Jacqui SmithLondon, Feb.
