Ban Ki-Moon

Ban criticizes Israel for disregarding ceasefire

Ban criticizes Israel for disregarding ceasefireNew York  - United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon told Israeli caretaker Prime Minister Ehud Olmert Friday that he was disappointed the fighting in the Gaza Strip continued despite the ceasefire demanded by the UN Security Council.

"The secretary general expressed his disappointment that the violence has continued on the ground in disregard of the resolution adopted by the UN Security Council," said UN spokeswoman Michelle Montas.

Ban condemns rocket attacks into Israel from Lebanon

Ban condemns rocket attacks into Israel from Lebanon New Yor

Ban condemns Israel for deaths of relief workers

Ban condemns Israel for deaths of relief workers New York  - United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Thursday condemned the Israeli Defense Force for firing on a relief convoy and killing two UN workers while injuring another in the Gaza Strip.

The deaths brought to four the number of UN relief workers killed in the Israel-Hamas conflict, which entered a 13th day on Thursday.

Ban: Israeli attacks on schools "totally unacceptable"

Ban: Israeli attacks on schools "totally unacceptable" New York  - Israeli attacks on three schools run by the United Nations in the Gaza Strip in the last 24 hours, including one that killed more than 46 civilians on Tuesday, were "totally unacceptable and must not be repeated," UN Secretary General Ban Ki- moon said.

UN's Ban Ki-moon calls anew for international action on Gaza

Ban Ki-MoonNew York - UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Monday renewed appeals for the international community to act to halt the fighting in the Gaza Strip.

His statement comes less than two days after the United States blocked a United Nations Security Council resolution on the Mideast conflict.

Ban said the Security Council needs to play a central role in ending the conflict and that he will continue to work with its members to find a solution.

UN Secretary General Ban commends Rwanda genocide convictions

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-MoonNew York  - UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon Thursday commended an international tribunal for its conviction and sentencing of a key player in the 1994 Rwandan genocide, former army colonel Theoneste Bagosora.

Bagosora and two other senior army officers were sentenced earlier Thursday to life in prison for their role in the massacre of more than 800,000 ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus within the span of several months in 1994.
