Over 1000 to Volunteer in Coastal Cleanup Day
To add to the cleaning efforts in California, thousands of volunteers have come up with the initiative to clean the coastal areas by lifting litter, bottles and debris near the beaches.
The initiative is a brainchild of Costa Mesa environmental group Orange County Coastkeeper. It has been sponsored by the Metropolitan Water District. The volunteers have pledged to move around 91 miles of coastline and perform the cleaning task. The purpose is to prevent the litter from entering the ocean.
This initiative was carried out last year, as well. Then, 7,053 Orange County volunteers had together collected more than 67,000 pounds of trash. The trash also included organic waste within three hours.
The cleanup exercises this Saturday will begin at 9.30am.
The residents in the area have been complaining about the litter and waste lying on the beaches too often that give a messy look. Santa Barbara has had a history of celebrating several environmental movements including the Earth Day celebrations over the past 4 decades.
"We all want to keep our beach clean. This is a great way for Alamedans to pitch in and do that, and you always run into folks you know, which make it a nice event," said Mayor Trish Herrera Spencer.
Another purpose of the event is to allow participants spend a day with their near and dear ones in a community exercise and get back home with the satisfaction of having done something for the good in the society.