Oracle on its way to become the Apple of the enterprise

Oracle on its way to become the Apple of the enterpriseIf the keynote speeches and press briefings at Oracle annual OpenWorld trade show in San Francisco are any indication, Oracle is apparently well on its way to become the Apple of the enterprise.

All the proceedings at the OpenWorld event this week highlighted one big message from Oracle: the company's strategic positioning in the fleshed-out cloud arena to develop nearly all kinds of hardware and software components which may be required by enterprise --- a feat, which according to Oracle's claims, no other enterprise company can boast!

Drawing attention to Oracles' unmatched capabilities, John Fowler - the company's executive VP of systems - said in a keynote address on Wednesday that Oracle can provide services for patching "the entire thing from the database all the way to the firmware in the controllers."

Incidentally, while the Oracle approach cannot be matched by SAP, HP, IBM or any other standard Oracle rival, the company that is closest to Oracle in terms of the mentioned approach is Apple --- which not only designs its own hardware and writes the OS powering its systems, but also has complete control over an extensive developer ecosystem via its App Store.

On the same lines, the approach being followed by Oracle chiefly involves the ability to sell computing- and storage-optimized hardware to customers, along with the software to run jobs onto the hardware, and all the required cloud services to help customers in storing their data and updating their software!