One-Third of Young Americans Are Not Completely Heterosexual: Study

A recent study conducted by an international internet-based market research firm YouGov presented a little complicated picture of sexual demographics in the United Kingdom and the United States. YouGov used the Kinsey Scale to conduct the study.

Usually, people are pretty clear about sexual demographics, where majority of people are straight and small minorities identify themselves as gay or bisexuals. But the data collected during the poll has presented a complicated picture.

The YouGov poll asked respondents in the UK and the US to choose a number between 0 and 6 to best represent their sexuality on the Kinsey Scale. Zero means 'exclusively hetrosexual', six means 'exclusively homosexual', while three means equally attracted to both sexes.

The results showed that 23% of Brits identified as somewhere from one to six, something other than exclusively heterosexual. About half of British youth from 18 to 24 identified as within that one to six range on the Kinsey scale.

On the other hand, results of the US poll showed that 78% of Americans are completely straight. Among Brits, 76% adults considered themselves as fully heterosexual, 4% fully homosexual, and 19% somewhere along the spectrum.

However, younger Americans were noticeably less likely to put themselves in a firm category, with only 66% of under-30s identifying as completely straight or gay, while 29% said they are bisexual on some level.

According to researchers, "About 24% of people aged 30 to 44 say that they're somewhere on the scale of bisexuality, compared to 8% or less of over-45s".

In poll results published Sunday by YouGov, a full 49% of 18-24 year olds identified as something other than exclusively heterosexual.