One of most famous meteor showers peaks this week

Pray for clear skies as the Leonid meteor shower should be at its peak Tuesday night into Wednesday morning. People will be able to see the spectacular show before dawn local time. There are only two requirements for viewing the show, which are clear skies and light pollution in America.

NASA said in a statement that the moon will be supporting observers as waxing-crescent moon will set before midnight. Owing to it, there will be dark skies, acting as best opportunities to view the bright and colorful meteors.

“Dedicated observers with a telescope may wish to watch the Moon's earthlit night side for flashes due to Leonid meteoroid impacts on its night-side hemisphere”, affirmed NASA.

The Leonid meteor shower is an annual affair. It takes place when earth passes through the debris left behind by Comet Temple-Tuttle. When the meteor shower is at its peak, then sky-watchers can view around 15 meteors per hour radiating from the constellation Leo.

As per experts, if the Leonid meteor shower gets less in number then they add up to the quality. NASA said that the Leonids are quite famous for their fireballs and earthgrazer meteors. Fireballs put a great show when compared with an average meteor streak.

In order to view the Leonid meteor shower, experts have advised to go to a place where there are no city lights and lie down on ground. It would take 30 minutes for eyes to adapt to dark conditions and after that one starts seeing some meteors in a dark sky.