Common household surfaces spread cold virus
Researchers have found that the common household surfaces like TV remote control, refrigerator door handles and bathroom taps are the hotspots to spread cold virus. By touching these contaminated surfaces, the virus could transfer to another and cause a cold infection.
British newspaper 'The Daily Telegraph' reported that 42% of surfaces in the homes found traces of rhinovirus. The findings are based on experiment of Scientists at the University of Virginia. They have tested the homes of 30 people who were suffering from cold.
By addressing a US infectious diseases conference, the researchers told that the virus on household surfaces can survive for up to two days and a person can spread the virus to another by touching such surfaces. They said that every weak in winter, a fifth of the UK population suffers from cold infection. Almost a quarter of subjects’ fingertips were detected infectious after one hour touching household surfaces. So people should be more aware.
Dr Birgit Winther, who led the study, said: “Some people still spray the air with disinfectants, but rhinovirus doesn't fly through the air. I think that the message from this research is that we need to focus more wisely on cleaning commonly touched surfaces in the home.”
“The cold virus is a hardy one because it survives on surfaces for so long and can then be passed on, putting the whole family at risk of infection. Home hygiene is key in the fight against colds,” said Professor John Oxford, virologist at St Bartholemew's and the Royal London Hospital.