Global warming might reverse social and economic progress across Asia

London, Nov 19: A new report has warned that global warming might reverse decades of social and economic progress across Asia, unless carbon emissions are cut massively by mid-century.

Made by a coalition of environment and aid agencies, the report suggests that Asia is effectively on the front line of climate change, as it is home to almost two-thirds of the world's population.

According to the report, Asia's vulnerable population will continue to suffer, as will communities worldwide, who are contributing least to climate change.

The major reason behind the threat that Asia faces due to global warming is because half of its population is living near the coast. Due to this, billions are directly vulnerable to sea-level rise driven by a warming world.

"If those painfully won improvements in social and economic conditions can be blown away in a few but increasingly frequent and extreme weather events, we have to rethink about how we go about meeting people's basic needs," said Andrew Simms, the report's author.

The report indicates that the way out for Asian countries is reduced emission targets.

"We need to start talking about emissions reduction targets that are in line with the science rather than in line with what negotiators think they can get away with," BBC News quoted Simms as saying.

As well as cutting global emissions by at least 80% by 2050, the report calls on richer counties to lead by example and champion renewable energy. This would inspire Asian countries to adopt the same means in the fight against global warming.

The coalition had previously published a study in October 2004 saying that global warming threatened poverty reduction and urged industrial countries to cut their carbon emissions dramatically. It said such action now was even more pressing.

The report also says that to Asian countries need to be convinced not to go down the fossil fuel energy route of 'get rich quick, stay poor long'.

"Practical difficulties and a lack of rich country leadership on climate change mean Asia is unlikely to abandon fossil fuels in the near future," said Simms.

"It is useless to turn around and point a finger at China's rising emissions if we are not showing the will and making the resources available to provide the changes necessary," he added. (ANI)