Japan's foreign reserves exceed 1 trillion dollars in June

Tokyo - Japan's foreign reserves exceeded 1 trillion dollars in June on rises in the appraisal value of the nation's euro-denominated assets and gold holdings, the Finance Ministry said Monday.

The nation's foreign reserves increased 4.57 billion dollars to 1 trillion dollars from May, marking the fourth highest total in record.

The total hit a record high at 1.02 trillion at the end of March.

Japan held 859.25 billion dollars in foreign securities as of June 30, up from 853.51 billion dollars in May.

Foreign currency deposits came to 114.21 billion dollars.

Japan held 5.97 billion dollars of the deposits in foreign central banks and the Basel-based Bank for International Settlements, 23.57 billion dollars in Japanese banks and 84.67 billion dollars in foreign financial institutions.

Gold reserves came to 22.89 billion dollars.

The country had 1.67 billion dollars in IMF reserve positions and 3.18 billion dollars in IMF special drawing rights.

Other reserve assets came to 364 million dollars.

Japan's foreign exchange reserves consist mainly of securities and deposits denominated in foreign currencies, International Monetary Fund reserve positions, IMF special drawing rights and gold. (dpa)

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