Gallup Poll: American people are finally taking climate change more seriously
A latest poll suggested that people in America could finally start believing that people are among the major contributors to climate change. The new US Gallup poll disclosed a significant record of Americans who are concerned regarding global warming, quite more than before.
To conduct this latest survey, researchers asked some questions to a random sample of 1,019 adults of the age group 18 and older through telephone. All the respondents belonged to the US and particularly to the District of Columbia.
More and more number of people in America have started taking climate change quite seriously. In fact, 64% Americans have said that for them effects of global warming have become a grave deal as now the highest percentage of global warming has been recorded.
The winter of 2015 seems to be among the factors that contribute to the results of the new poll. Winter last year had the warmest temperatures on record in the US.
The Gallup poll has also indicated a little rise in the percentage of people in America who think they have already started facing the effects of global warming.
However, researchers have discovered something else. The position of a country on global warming is majorly calculated by whether the people living in it think that ultimately, climate change is going to start turning into a serious threat to the way of life or not.
Researchers have found in the Gallup poll that 41% of people in America agree with the statement. The percentage has seen a hike from 37% in the 2015 poll.
Furthermore, now around 65% Americans think that human activities are to be blamed mainly for the surge in the temperature on Earth, rather than natural reasons.