Jupiter, Mars and Venus to be seen throughout week

A great news for space gazers as planets Jupiter, Mars and Venus will appear close to each other in the sky on Monday. In fact, later this week as well the planets will be visible in the same view early in the morning sky.

On Monday morning, both the planets- Jupiter and Venus will be present close to each other and then Mars will join them. Through the week, it will appear that all the three planets are getting closer and a forming a small triangle in sky on early Wednesday morning.

Your excitement level is going to jump number of times once you will get to know that there is no need for viewing aids, like binocular or telescopes, to see these planets. To use the astronomers terminology, this planetary conjunctions, will be one of the brightest in the recent times.

There is no doubt that Venus and Jupiter are among the brightest lights in the sky and Mars can put a great show. But please note that a lot depends on visibility in your area and otherwise, you can see these planets throughout the week.

As mentioned above, it is not necessary to use binoculars but those who use it will be able to see four of Jupiter’s moons, Io, Ganymede, Europa, and Castillo. According to NASA, one would require a tripod to view them accurately.

Being the brightest of the three planets, Venus will be the star of the conjunction. On the other hand, Mars will be the dimmest of all. Though all the three planets are millions of miles apart, they converge is the effect of vantage point on earth.