Gautam Buddha Statue is Present on Mars: UFO Sightings Daily
So far a number of sighting have been made at the Red planet after seeing the images sent back home by the rovers carrying out deep analysis of the planet. But recently a website ‘UFO Sightings Daily’ has claimed about the presence of statue of Buddha on Mars.
The website points towards a particular photograph of the Red Planet. The image specifically contains a rocky mountain ridge in the background and looks normal like other images sent by the rover.
A YouTube Channel Paranormal Crucible has also released the video in which it has also claimed about the presence of a Buddha statue on Mars. The channel experts using computer zoomed in at the image on a particular part and processed the image to show hands, head, chest and shoulders of a man in the image.
UFO Sightings Daily member Scott Waring commenting about their discovery said in a statement that NASA has already discovered alien life but is hiding the truth from the world because they’ll be asked to share the information they have found.
Waring further said that science community might consider the recent find as a coincidence, but he has over 50 such cases where statues or artifacts were found with remarkable detailing suggesting the existence of intelligent alien life in the past.
NASA scientist Ashwin Vasavada in response to the claims said, “There is no group that would be (happier) to see such a thing than the 500 scientists around the world who work on this Curiosity rover”.
He also said that so far they haven’t seen anything that can make their claims prove true.