Climate change leading to faster aging

According to reports, most of the people in the world are aging faster in the period of climate change. Since 1980, population of people who are over sixty years old has doubled, and it is estimated that by the year 2050, this number will cross the two-billion mark. It is expected that this population will increase from 11 to 22% of the total human population in the first half of this century.

The World Trade Organization has come up with these statistics. The organization also added that 18% of this population lives in the US, and by the year 2050, this portion will account for a quarter of the total population.

President Obama is soon going to host the White House Conference on Aging in Washington D. C., but climate change has not been added so far as an issue to the convention's agenda.

According to several Americans, it's a great chance to change this huge demographic to the most critical issue of society. Obama would assist in increasing political agreement concerning ecological crisis prior to the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris by adding global climate change to the agenda.

Last year, a PR campaign, called Risky Business, was formed by Henry Paulson, Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer. It includes a bipartisan series of studies explaining the economic and health risks experienced by the nation. What they found was negative on the whole. They found that economy is shifting towards perpetual disruption, and health dangers are also increasing as a result of climate change.