Craving is important factor behind becoming overweight
Earlier research has unveiled that food cravings happen more among obese individuals. Now, a new research has found that obese people can image aromas of food more vividly than those who are slim. Differences in dreaming odors may have role in food cravings.
The researchers said that the vivid imagination can lead to strong desire to have particular food items. Now, it shall be noted that peoples’ ability in imagining smells differs as per food items like baked bread, chocolate or any other item.
An experiment was carried out in which more than 80 volunteers were asked to complete a questionnaire in which questions were asked to imagine both visual and odor cutes and also, to rate their vividness.
Study’s lead researcher Dr Barkha Patel, from Yale School of Medicine in the US, said that those having the higher body mass index (BMI) were having increased ability to imagine more vividly about food and non-food items.
“These findings highlight the need for a more individualistic approach in identifying factors that may increase risk for weight gain”, said Patel. Obesity researchers have come to know that craving is the main reason behind becoming fat.
Cravings create mental images of desired item that are immediately pleasing. The researchers said that a vicious circle forms of desire, imagery and planning to satiate the desire.