Tesla Motors to keep selling electric vehicles in New York
Tesla Motors has won the right to continue selling its electric vehicles directly in New York to customers through five current locations under a new accord reached between the company and the authorities.
Several car dealers had moved to block the sale of vehicles directly from the company. The company has been selling its models that start at about $71,000. Legislation aimed at banning the sale of vehicles directly from the company was introduced in the Assembly and State Senate. The law would have blocked the sale of cars by manufactures directly.
Car dealers have said that the car manufactures must be banned from selling cars so that the customers are able to get affordable pricing by choosing between different franchises and also get cars serviced if the manufactures shut down business. Tesla, whose sticker prices are the same in all 50 states, responded by saying that direct-sales model benefits consumers as it removes the need for middlemen in the business. The accord will allow the company to open new outlets in o New York.