Beat Electric Version Comes As a New Buzz

Beat Electric Version Comes As a New BuzzThere has been the launch of the electric version of ‘Beat’ in India. This has been done as a part of the demonstration of technology on a global level. There have been ties made with Reva, the electric car managing company and they are of the view that the battery technology use by them shall be utilized by the makers of Beat.

It has been revealed by the managing director of the firm that “This car demonstrates our technological prowess and reaffirms our commitment to the environment”.

Mr. Karl Slym further added, “We have no plans of launching this car in the market yet but we are delighted that Chevrolet selected India as an important market to test the battery electric technology, while recognizing our capabilities to help identify ways to make this technology more affordable”.

This has come as a part of the demonstration program in the country and this will work for the benefit of the organization. It was further revealed that similar programs shall be continued in China, Germany as well as Korea.

The company is of the view that this program shall demonstrate the power and effectiveness of the battery operated vehicles in India.