BP forced for the removal of the containment cap in the Gulf of Mexico

BP forced for the removal of the containment cap in the Gulf of Mexico Thousands of barrels of oil have been gushing in to the Gulf of Mexico after a deepwater drilling rig exploded last month. 11 people were killed in this mishap. BP has tried to stop the leak by a containment cap. But according to the US coast guard, the oil giant BP is forced to remove the containment cap after a robot bumped in to the venting system.

The amount of gas has been raised through the vent which carried the warm water in to the deepwater to protect the cap from forming ice-like crystals. Except the cap, the oil can be collected by a ship at the sea surface which sucks up and burns the oil.

On Wednesday evening, BP started its operation to reinstall the cap. Bob Dudley of BP, who is a replacement for the chief executive Tony Hayward as a Manager for the oil spill response has said that he was expecting that the cap will work again within a day. Tony Hayward has criticized the US for making a series of PR gaffes after the rig explosion on 20th April. This has been the biggest environmental disaster ever in US.