A wild Scottish fruit, blueberry combat diabetes

blueberriesExperts have conducted a new study which reveals that wild Scottish fruit, named blueberry can be used to fight against diabetes.

Aberdeen University scientists will investigate all the possibilities of preparing a medicine from blueberry fruit to treat the disease.

To reach the conclusion, scientist have examined 60 overweight male volunteers who have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in the age group of 40 to 70 who live in Aberdeen city, shire or the surrounding area, during 3 weeks study, these volunteers will be given a capsule form of the fruit and will be closely watched to see any improvement.

The Scotsman reports about Type 2 diabetes, which is described as a form of diabetes in which patient's body either does not produce insulin at all or insulin produces, fall short to work properly.

Dr Nigel Hoggard, from Aberdeen University's Rowett Institute for Nutrition and Health ,is the lead researcher of the study, said that, Type 2 diabetes and obesity are interconnected with each other but is never studied , according to him , might be the link lies in the fat tissues. When a person is becoming overweight, it give rise to low grade inflammation and its body produces lots of hormones which travel into the blood, and act on the glucose in the body, which finally leads to type 2 diabetes.

He further explained that blueberries belong to the same family as blueberries and blueberries are popular for their naturally high ''polyphenols' a chemical substance. He told that experts believed that 'polyphenols' can reduce the inflammation which occurs when fat increases.

A university spokeswoman said, volunteers are given concentrated form of berry as a capsule for three times a day which means they were given around ½ cup of blueberries daily. They want to examine that whether this method will help to reduce inflammation which is associated with the increased fat tissues and finally help to improve their diabetic symptoms.