Concert organisers reach ‘amicable understanding’ on Beyonce’s costumes

Kuala Lumpur, Sep 25 : Malay concert organisers have revealed that they have reached an “amicable understanding” regarding R ‘n’ B singer Beyonce Knowles’ costumes for her concert on October 25.

But concert organiser Marctensia media liaison officer Goh Yoke Leng has not revealed what kind of an understanding.

“We are confident that Beyonce’s concert put Malaysia back on track in presenting A-list international pop concerts and further boost tourism,” the Star Online quoted Goh Yoke Leng as saying.

Regarding the PAS’ protests against the US singer’s sometimes-racy costumes and performances, Goh said that the company believes that every citizen had the right to express his/her views.

“However we choose to reserve further comments on their statement. We are ecstatic to be able to bring in a mega-concert that we believe the majority of Malaysians will enjoy,” she added.

Karyawan president Freddie Fernandez said that the authorities, once they have approved such a concert, should stick to their decision.

PAS Youth vice-chief Sabki Yusof said on September 19 that they would send a protest note to the Government over the concert, although there are no plans to disrupt the concert.

“We are not against entertainment as long as it is within the framework of our culture and our religion,” he said.

“We are against Western sexy performances. We don’t think our people need that,” he added. (ANI)