Lindsay Lohan to marry Samantha Ronson?

Washington, May 21 : If reports are to be believed, Hollywood actress Lindsay Lohan is planning to get married to on/off girlfriend Samantha Ronson.

Lohan and Ronson had parted ways after a hotel bust up in March, however, sources claim that the couple is back together and Lohan has even proposed.

The Mean Girls star is also said to be considering converting to Judaism to marry her lesbian lover.

According to the National Enquirer, wedding talk angered Ronson''s Jewish family - so Catholic Lohan has offered to convert.

"Lindsay says Sam''s promised she''ll persuade her family to accept this, and they won''t wait to see if California changes their gay marriage legislation, but will travel to one of the states where it is legal to say their I do''s," Contactmusic quoted a source as saying. (ANI)