Hurley and Johansson’s among world’s top 50 famous boobs

London, May 14 : A list featuring the world's top 50 famous boobs has been released, and it includes the likes of Liz Hurley, Keeley Hazell, Scarlett Johansson, Paris Hilton, Gemma Atkinson and Pamela Anderson.

The winner of the world's biggest boobs, Norma Stitz, and her 67in bust also won a spot on the list, and so did previous holder of the record, Lolo Ferreira.

Hurley, 43, was noticed when she was seen in her black low front dress in 1994, while accompanying actor Hugh Grant to the `Four Weddings And A Funeral' premiere.

English Page 3 Girl Hazell's boobs made her a millionaire, and the 22-year-old is also No 5 in the World's Sexiest Woman stakes.

Johansson, 24, was also on the list, even though she has never flashed her boobs, and so was Girls Aloud member Cheryl Cole.

Anderson's iconic knockers are very well remembered right from her days as one of Baywatch's babes, and Hilton's are remembered from her porn video.

Atkinson's babies came to be noticed after she left Hollyoaks, got a boob job and became a glamour model. (ANI)