"No question" of boycotting new Zimbabwe summit: MDC

Zimbabwe Movement for Democratic ChangeHarare- Zimbabwe's pro-democracy Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) will attend next Monday's summit of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) meant to try to kick-start the stalled power-sharing deal between the country's political protagonists, the MDC said Tuesday.

The day after a 12-hour meeting in Harare failed to close the divide between the MDC and President Robert Mugabe's Zanu-PF on a unity government, MDC secretary general Tendai Biti said there was

"no question of us boycotting. We will be attending (the SADC summit).

But he was "not hopeful."

"You can have a million extraordinary summits but as long as no-one (in the SADC leadership) has the courage to look at Mugabe in the face and tell him, old man, logic has to prevail, it will be meaningless."

If the SADC extraordinary summit, which will be the third such meeting of the 15-nation bloc in less than a year on the Zimbabwe crisis, fails, the MDC expects the African Union at its regular summit in Ethiopia the following week "to take over this matter and kill it once and for all."

"We need finality," Biti said. (dpa)
