Nine days after heart-transplant operation, Oscar Munoz leaves hospital

On Friday, more than a week after a surprise heart-transplant operation, United Continental Holdings Inc.’s chief executive, Oscar Munoz, said that his recovery is going on well and was leaving the hospital to return to home in Chicago.

In the company-released letter, Mr. Munoz told employees that he was feeling as strong as ever. He mentioned that he would be heading back towards his work all fit and fine, very soon.

Mr. Munoz, who turned 57 years old recently, suffered a heart attack in October, only 42 days after taking the top job at the country’s No. 3 carrier by traffic. In the interim, former general counsel Brett Hart, who is acting CEO, led the Chicago-based United.

United is hopeful of Mr. Munoz’s return from medical leave sometime in the present quarter. However, when last week the news of heart transplant was disclosed, United said that his comeback date could slip to the starting of the Q2.

Friday’s employee letter had a picture of Mr. Munoz and two members the medical team carrying out his treatment at Chicago’s Northwestern Memorial Hospital. The hospital carried out his surgery after he underwent treatment there for the heart attack. Mr. Munoz was dressed up in a shirt and sport coat and had a wide smile on his face. Along with him were two transplant doctors dressed up in white coats. United said it was Mr. Munoz’s first released photo since the medical woes.

Mr. Munoz added that the hospital was relieving him on Friday. He said, “The doctors have been impressed with my progress and foresee a quick recovery. Until I return to job full time, I expect to participate in key meetings and be involved in strategic planning”.