NASA releases Never Seen before Pictures of Saturn’s Titan and Prometheus
Not every planet in the solar system has a round moon like earth’s natural satellite. Some planets have ugly duckling moons. Ringed planet Saturn has over 60 moons, ranging from fascinating Titan to icy Enceladus to awkward-looking Prometheus.
Now, Cassini spacecraft of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has captured a high resolution photograph of Prometheus that lives around Saturn's F ring. The recent image is among the highest resolution images captured by Cassini till now. The newest photo released by the US space agency showed pockmarked surface of the moon in great details.
The NASA probe used its visual and infrared mapping spectrometer (VIMS) equipment to take a close-up image of the inner satellite of Saturn. As per NASA, Cassini will start its ‘Grand Finale’ in 2016. It is the time when the spacecraft will plunge into blustery atmosphere of the ringed planet.
Earlier, NASA also released a new composite picture of Saturn’s largest moon Titan in which the natural satellite was glowing gorgeous green. The high definition image was also captured by the Cassini spacecraft during its close flyby above the moon's surface.
About Titan, NASA said, “Saturn’s frigid moon Titan has some characteristics that are oddly similar to Earth, but still slightly alien”. The space agency has many photographs of Titan that tell many things about natural formations on the moon.
Cassini, which was launched in 1997, arrived in the Saturn system in 2004. The spacecraft has been working there to study the gas giant and its moons.