NASA releases 30-minute video of sun

NASA has lately released a 4K, Ultra HD video of the sun. In the footage, soft music is played at the backdrop and there are images of storms and solar flares. The video has been compiled from the images taken from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory.

In order to come up with the beautiful video, it took its maker around 300 hours. In fact, media specialists have spent 10 hours to come up with just one minute of footage. Released this month, NASA has titled the video as ‘Thermonuclear Art’.

Till date, NASA has released five 4K videos and it is one of them. According to NASA, the video is ‘first major release of 4K video content presented in the public domain’. Though NASA has released the video in 4K, main problem remains an average viewer does not have a screen with that much level of resolution to view the video. However, then also one can view the footage on 1080p monitor.

The Goddard Space Flight Centre stated, “The video presents the nuclear fire of our life-giving star in intimate detail, offering new perspective into our own relationships with grand forces of the solar system”.