Mistake in IPCC report on climate change and natural disasters
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) had announced in a report in 2007 that the Himalayan glaciers could disappear by 2035. It had also claimed that some of the costs of extreme weather events are due to global warming.
The panel admitted that it had made a mistake in assessing the damage on Himalayan glaciers. This has raised questions about the credibility of the panel.
The chairman of the UN's climate science body, Rajendra Pachauri told a media company that he will not resign from the job because of the mistake as he said that he was re-elected by acclamation because of the success of the fourth assessment report.
The panel has said that its report about global warming should be seen in the balanced context and the link between Climate change and natural disasters were not conclusive.
The 4th assessment report released on 2007 has resulted in a world wide debate on climate change and made the developing world ask for billions of dollars to combat climate change.
A newspaper reported an extract from the report that said "suffered rapidly rising costs due to extreme weather-related events since the 1970s". The paper also reported that the report suggested that this was due to the global warning and claimed that the report was based on scientific research.
The panel in its response said that the extract has a "number of qualifiers" and the whole report is in balanced context.