Miley Cyrus apologises for offensive photos…again

Miley CyrusWashington, Feb 10 : Teen sensation Miley Cyrus has once again apologised for recent pictures showing her poking fun at the Asians.

The Hannah Montana star was forced to say sorry after photos leaked of her and a group of male pals pulling on their eyes - while one Asian American sat among them.

Officials at a leading Asian-American organisation rejected the apology insisting it was "not enough".

The 16-year-old star has for the second time apologised for the racist scandal on her website.

"I want to thank all of my fans for their support not only this week, but always! I really wanted to stress how sorry I am if the photo of me with my friends offended anyone," Contactmusic quoted her as saying.

"I have learned a valuable lesson from this and know that sometimes my actions can be unintentionally hurtful.

"I know everything is a part of GOD's ultimate plan, and mistakes happen so that eventually I will become the woman he aspires me to be. Peace and love, Miles," she added. (ANI)
