Microsoft planning IE privacy mode
Microsoft seems very much serious on privacy and security issues on the internet world. It has decided to introduce a "privacy mode" for the next release of its Internet Explorer (IE) web browser.
IE8 web browser will control the amount and data and enable customers to maintain their privacy. The senior vice president of Microsoft's search, portal and advertising platform group, Satya Nadella said that the browser will come with a special private mode. The two most probable trademarks are Cleartracks and Inprivate.
Cleartracks is concerened with computer programs for deleting search history after accessing Web sites. Inprivate trademark is meant for disabling web history and file caching features of a Web browser. It will also help to control the exchange and flow of information to the unauthorized users.
Privacy modes will help the customers for surfing the Net for pornographic materials without leaving traces. Users can also begin privacy search session to research a private medical condition on internet. Currently, Apple's Safari has a private browsing mode which is very successful for private search.