MH17 shot in missile attack from pro-Russian held Ukraine territory: Obama
London, July 19 - United States President Barack Obama has said that the Malaysian airlines plane crash had been a result of a ground-to-air missile attack in the conflict area of Eastern Ukraine that is currently under pro-Russian separatists.
Obama also said that he would work towards exposing the complete truth about the MH17 plane crash.
The U. S. President has called for a ceasefire in the rebel-held Eastern Ukraine.
He said in a briefing that Russia should stop sending armed rebels in Ukraine.
Obama added that violence and war could lead to such unanticipated, disastrous results, reports the BBC.
A U. S. envoy earlier said that the Russians had supported the separatists launch the missile attack.
The envoy has also said that Russian President Vladimir Putin had failed to work towards peace and harmony in the area. (ANI)