Mercedes-Benz to widen finance division to India
Comfort car chief Mercedes-Benz India will widen its financial wing, Daimler Financial Services, to India. A little endorsement was required from the establishments before it can start operations, here today as per Wilfried Aulbur, managing director and CEO, Mercedes-Benz India.
In general, DFS offers leasing and finance, broker investment, fleet management, insurance and banking services. In India, the prominence will be on leasing and finance, dealers and groups and dealer financing and insurance to private customers. DFS shall be a distinct Daimler body in India.
DFS is a main confined service contributor for passenger cars and ropes Daimler's vehicle sales in more than 40 nations.
As per Albur, they are in a grounding stage of Daimler Financial Services’ process in India to hold up all Daimler passenger car and commercial vehicles brands. Mainly, the DFS business comprises of finance for vehicle stocks, display cars, service vehicles and financing for real estate which is for dealership and property, conceding loans for in use materials and proviso of business loans. To a greater extent customers wishes to shell out a permanent rate that includes all vehicle-linked services like financing or insurance, leasing, tyre service, gap and payment fortification insurance and upholding and revamp.