Men’s Underarm Smell Attracts Women – A Study
A new study conducted by researchers at Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia revealed that men’s underarm smell actually attract women.
The study researchers discovered that underarm sweat contains a complex compound of odourless pheromones that have a strong involuntary effect on females.
In the study, the scientists found that the exposure to the pheromone from the male armpit sped up the discharge of the luteinizing hormone that controls menstruation in women.
Even, the female test subjects said they felt more relaxed as they sniffed the hormone.
According to the researchers, the finding may one day lead to the growth of new fertility drugs.
They have also speculated that men's odors can contain male pheromones that would presumably be irresistible to any woman.
There’s also evidence to suggest that pheromones discourage inbreeding, through part of the human genome called the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), which plays a role in sexual attraction as well as combating disease.