Mass Movement of Wildebeest Can Be Seen Using Periscope
The migration of large wildebeest will be live-streamed online on YouTube page of HerdTracker’s and through the Periscope app, playing through October 5. It is among one of Africa’s ‘Seven Natural Wonders, which sets a spectacular show of nature.
At the end of this month, large herbivore herds, which have been grazing in Masai Mara Reserve of Kenya, make the trip south to Serengeti Park of Tanzania. More than one million wildebeest, 500,000 gazelle and 200,000 zebras search for greener pastures clockwise across the African plains during this epic migration.
According to HerdTracker founder Carel Verhoef, the event is an exquisite opportunity for everyone and no one has any excuse to miss it. The live stream will be available on all devices, be it phones, computers or tablets from September 29 to October 5.
It is truly a marvel of nature where several thousands of aquatic reptiles hungrily wait for this yearly event to catch prey along with other predators. This journey of the migration is highly dependent on weather patterns but it usually begins in May or June.
HerdTracker, with the assistance of pilots, safari guides and rangers, has created an app to track the location of the wildebeest migration in real time.
Brian Jackman, Telegraph Travel’s safari expert, wrote, “The Maasai Mara is renowned for the spectacular river crossings that take place when the migration is here from July to November”. Broadcasts of the event will run live for 10 to 20 minutes daily on the periscope app on Twitter.
“Serengeti-Mara ecosystems [are] considered to be perhaps the last of the ecosystems … in which … human impact is less than 5 percent”, said professor Karim Hirji, former director of the Serengeti Wildlife Research Center in an interview with ABC News.