Madonna bombarding Guy Ritchie with weird text messages like ‘you’re going down’

MadonnaLondon, Oct 31: Madonna has been reportedly taunting estranged hubby Guy Ritchie with weird text messages like ‘you’re going down’.

The 40-year-old director showed crew on the set of his latest film Sherlock Holmes one which read: “You’re going down.”

He said he found his estranged wife’s behaviour odd, but that he is used to it by now.

And he confided in one pal: “This is her idea of a joke – but it’s not funny. Imagine what it was like living with her.”

She is said to be fuming details of their marriage have been leaked – and blames him.

“She loves to wind Guy up and this is just another example of her oddball humour. He doesn’t take these things too seriously. If he did, it would drive him mad,” the Mirror quoted a source, as saying.

The couple’s lawyers have been negotiating since April to reach a divorce settlement.

Guy’s friends say his main concern is access to their three children Lourdes, 11, Rocco, seven, and adopted David, two.

He hasn’t seen them for weeks because they have been with the singer on her ‘Sticky and Sweet’ tour.

A source said: “Guy isn’t that bothered. He just wants to see the kids.” (ANI)
