Lindsay’s dad says she will deal with warrant ‘Like She Has To’

Lindsay’s dad says she will deal with warrant ‘Like She Has To’Washington, Mar 16 : Hollywood actress Lindsay Lohan's father Michael, who is known for his frequent outbursts on his daughter's life, has said that she will handle the recent DUI warrant against her "like she has to".

However, Michael revealed that he had always been worried about his daughter's relationships, which could cause harm to her.

"I''m always worried about Lindsay as long as she''s involved in relationships that are harmful to her," Us Weekly quoted him as saying.

Michael could not resist from unleashing his fury on the `Mean Girls' actress' lover Samantha Ronson, as he said it was his company that was making his daughter's life wretched.

"I feel like when you''re around the right people, you do the right thing, when you''re around the wrong people, you do the wrong thing," he said.

"But] she''ll deal with [the warrant] like she has to. She''s not going to ignore it. Mark my words, as long as Samantha Ronson is in Lindsay''s life, nothing is going to go right!" he added. (ANI)
