Life Investigation for Enceladus mission projected to cost approximately $700 million

A proposed space mission is aiming to get back samples from Saturn's icy moon Enceladus, hoping to find out signs of life at another destination in our solar system. Presently, the mission named Life Investigation for Enceladus (LIFE) is just in the proposal stage.

But according to some experts, this can probably be among most promising missions not so far on the docket.

The moon has around 100 powerful geysers, blasting water from a subsurface ocean out of the south polar region into space. This has indicated that a satellite mission to the rock won't even need a lander or any additional gear for drilling or collecting samples. Instead, they must be floating across in orbit waiting for a satellite to come and collect them.

After collecting the samples, the plan will be to call for the craft to shoot the particles back to Earth in a return capsule for further research. NASA's Cassini spacecraft spotted the geysers in 2005, during an orbit around Saturn.

The mission will be costing nearly $700 million, which might sound quite high but is still 30% less as compared to NASA's Curiosity mission.

If one assumes that they will get it off the ground, the mission is going to take about 12-15 years in completion. Just the trip to reach Enceladus would take 5-8 year, which depends on the approach tactic.