Kudankulam protestors in a bid to launch siege of site

Kudankulam protestors in a bid to launch siege of siteAnti-Nuclear power protests have launched a daring bid to siege the nuclear power plant site in Kudankulam in Tamil Nadu through the sea route.

Protests with the Anti-Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant (KNPP) went to the seas to launch a siege of the plant site. The protestors are generally fishermen and they went to the sea numbering in hundreds from the Indinthakarai village in country boats. Activists said that the local protest against the nuclear power plant has now entered its 574th day today.

People's Movement Against Nuclear Energy Convenor S P Udayakumar said that the protest is happening at different places including Kanyakumari, Ramathapuram and other nearby areas. He said that the data for the protest has been fixed on March 11 to mark the second anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear accident.

People from the local area had launched their movement against the project at time when it was almost complete and was ready to be operationalized. The Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) has given its approval for loading of the fuel into the first unit of the Kudankulam nuclear power plant in Tamil Nadu.

The approval will result in the commencement of the controlled nuclear fission process in the nuclear plant that will generate much needed electricity for the states in the region.