Jolie''s twins’ pic deal with People magazine ''guaranteed positive coverage''

Hollywood stars Brad Pitt and Angelina JolieLondon, Nov 21 : When Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt negotiated with People magazine for photos of their newborn twins, the couple was seeking more than the estimated 14 million pounds they received from the deal, according to reports.

The couple reportedly wanted a guarantee of ‘positive’ coverage.

According to the New York Times, Brangelina made the condition during negotiations with People and other magazines, which were competing to carry the first pictures of the latest additions to the Hollywood couple''s family.

The stars reportedly sought a promise from the winning magazine that it would not include any negative coverage of their family, not only in the piece about the twins but also in all future articles.

However, a spokesman for People denied there were any restrictions or conditions placed on coverage.

"These claims are categorically false. Like any news organization, People does purchase photos, but the magazine does not determine editorial content based on the demands of outside parties," the Telegraph quoted a statement given to the New York Times. (ANI)
