Janet Jackson ‘offering to raise MJ’s kids’

London, July 18 : Late King of Pop Michael Jackson’s grieving sister Janet has offered to raise the superstar’s kids, who she loves like her own.

Pop star Janet, 43, has apparently forged a close bond with the three youngsters since their father died of an apparent cardiac arrest on June 25.

According to family sources, Prince Michael, 12, Paris, 11, and seven-year-old "Blanket" already see their aunt as a mother figure.

Michael’s spiritual adviser has said that the star wanted his younger sister to take care of the kids if his elderly mum Katherine or pal Diana Ross could not.

"Janet has said, ''I love them and I''ll step forward and raise them if this is what they want.'' She tells everyone she loves them as if they were her own,” The Sun quoted a family insider as saying.

"The children have chosen her as their confidante and mother figure, and Janet feels her place is at their side. She''s completely bonded with those children in the last two weeks.

"It''s clear to everyone that they are looking to her for comfort and guidance. Janet is blossoming as a woman with tremendous maternal instincts,” added the source.

According to the ‘Thriller’ star’s will, filed in 2002, he wanted his children to be looked after by his mum, or by pop legend Diana Ross if Katherine had died.

But Jacko''s long-term "spiritual adviser" has said that he later decided Janet should be their guardian.

Rev June Gatlin, who saw the superstar regularly, said: "If anything happened with his mother he wanted Janet to have his children. Michael loved his sister, he trusted Janet explicitly." (ANI)