IMF expects no financing problems in Greece
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has tried to pay down the Greek financial crisis by saying that the country is not likely to face severe financing problems if the review of bailout programme is concluded by July.
The global financial body said that the country will not face financing problems in a response to a report in the Financial Times. The report indicated that the IMF is planning to suspend its funding for the country unless the European leaders agree to fill a gap in the funding program. The report said that a gap of 3-4bn euros has appeared in the funding programme.
Some believe that the Greek government might face a shortfall of 2 billion euros this year as some of its eurozone creditors were not ready to roll over their Greek debt holdings. The euro area and the International Monetary Fund said that the country will not face finance shortage if it moves ahead with its economic-overhaul program.
IMF spokesman Gerry Rice said, "There is an ongoing review of the Greek programme. The priority remains for the Greek authorities to deliver on the programme quickly. If the review is concluded by the end of July, as expected, no financing problems will arise because the programme is financed till end-July 2014."